Saturday, January 19, 2013

Medieval Times by Moraima (5-405)

     The best school trip I ever went on was to Medieval Times. In November all students who got a level 4 on the state math exam went to this amazing place in New Jersey. We enjoyed watching knights riding on horses. Each location looks like an 11th century castle. When it was time to eat...guess what? There were no knives, forks or spoons. We used our hands just like they did in medieval times. They served us garlic bread, chicken, corn, a baked potato and a warm, soft chocolate chip cookie. To be honest the food wasn't that good. I enjoyed the cookies and garlic bread the most. We drank Pepsi in large goblets. The staff told us not to bang the plate and the cup because the horses would get scared. We were eating while watching the knights in a tournament. The knights were fighting to win by knocking the opponent off the horse. When a knight won he received a rose from a princess. There was also a king and queen. We also saw archery and a man with a hawk. 
         Medieval Times also has locations in Orlando, FL, Atlanta, GA, Chicago and in Canada. I would recommend visiting this theme park if you want to go back in time and watch the amazing tournaments while enjoying the food and drinking soda. But first you need to study hard for the state exams to get a level 4! Good luck!


  1. Your piece makes me want to go to Medieval Times. Your blog is well researched and informative. Great job Moraima!

  2. This place is very awesome. I've been here every year since 3rd grade.Too bad I cant go never go again.Thanks for writing an article on Medieval Times!
